A Great Read: Sunny’s Story
Looking for a great read? Sunny’s Story!
A great read, Sunny’s Story is a drug prevention story for children, adolescents, teenagers, parents, grandparents, and teachers. Written by Courage to Speak ®Foundation CEO and Founder, Ginger Katz, this is a true story about her son, Ian James Eaccarino, who fell victim to drug addiction. Sunny’s Story is narrated through the eyes, ears and mind of Sunny, the family beagle. Sunny tells the story of life with his best friend, Ian. Ginger lets Sunny tell the story of their Ian’s experimentation with cigarettes, drugs and alcohol and its tragic consequences- Ian’s death. This great read has also been recognized in CADCA‘s book club.
Ginger Katz has transformed a personal tragedy into a beacon of hope. Parents and their children need to talk openly and honestly about all of life’s challenges, but particularly about the dangers of alcohol and other drug use. Communication between them must be clear and consistent. The Courage to Speak Foundation has shared the story of how to save young lives from drugs in over 1,000 presentations given across the country to hundreds of thousands of people.
With a team of experts, The Courage to Speak ®Foundation started a program called Courage to Speak® Drug Prevention Curriculum taught by educators for elementary students. This program has been implemented at 14 schools and used to teach 17,065 students in the U.S. about drug addiction and prevention. In addition, this program has been evaluated and proven effected by the Yale School of Medicine. Ginger’s foundation has been featured on at least 115 television programs, 71 radio interviews, and 380 newspaper articles (many front page). Ginger is a true inspiration to many, a nationally recognized figure in the world of drug prevention education, an avid sportswoman, competitive rower, athlete, and dedicated mother, wife, and friend.

Sunny’s Story is a great read that has touched people of all ages and backgrounds. One of the students, Matthew, who participated in the program said, “I loved Sunny’s Story. It taught me how to not keep secrets from my parents. I will never do drugs because I know what will happen to me.” Grandmother, Helen Seplowitz, had no problem relating to the story. She claims, “Sunny’s Story is absolutely required reading to and/or for your child at the earliest age when the inherent dangers of illegal substances will be unfailingly presented to her/him. It is simply a matter of proactively taking a quick pleasant step that can avoid a potential tragedy. And don’t forget to repeat as needed.”
Prepare to give your heart and mind to this book while you learn, maybe cry, maybe laugh, and love through Ian’s journey. You will walk away with a different perspective of drug addiction.
Ready to start your great read? Order Sunny’s Story now!