What’s in Your Medicine Chest?
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What’s in Your Medicine Chest?

What’s in Your Medicine Chest? Opiate Medications: The Goods, Bads, and the Very Very Uglies By Jeffrey Deitz, MD Opiate medications are among the oldest and most commonly prescribed drugs in the medical pharmacopeia. They are also among the most rapidly addicting and most lethal. Whereas untreated acetaminophen overdose kills in days from liver failure,…

Drug Prevention Event – The Courage to Speak Empowering Youth the be Drug-Free Family Night
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Drug Prevention Event – The Courage to Speak Empowering Youth the be Drug-Free Family Night

Drug Prevention Event – The Courage to Speak Empowering Youth to be Drug-free Family Night and Media Event Students Speak Out! This event bring students, parents, educators, school and government officials, business and community leaders together to affirm their commitment to keep children safe from drugs and other risky behaviors. A complimentary dinner will be…