Drinking and Driving
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Drinking and Driving

Drinking and Driving has become an epidemic. Almost every 90 seconds, a person is injured in a drunk driving crash and on average, 1 in 3 people will be in a drinking and driving accident at some point in their lives according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Drinking and Driving often happens after a party….

Drugs can be Found Anywhere
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Drugs can be Found Anywhere

Streets aren’t the only place kids find their drugs! While parents assume that their children are only getting drugs from outside the house, including the streets and school, this is not always the case. Many children are abusing drugs that are readily available in their own household! Seventy percent (70%) of people age 12 and older who…

Resources for Help in Your Community
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Resources for Help in Your Community

Get to Know THE RESOURCES in Your Community Each community has their own RESOURCES to effectively treat addiction of alcohol and drugs. Many fellowships, including NA and AA, exist worldwide. Narcotics Anonymous was founded in 1953 and is a free support system to anyone struggling with drug addiction. Every week, over 58,000 meetings are held in…