Last photo taken of my son Ian Eaccarino 1975 - 1996
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Ginger’s Promise to her Son Ian

Ginger’s Promise to her Son Ian

Sunny tried to wake me the night Ian died. Sunny our family beagle, climbed four flights of stairs from Ian’s bed and jumped on my bed to wake me up. But Ian’s words had rocked me to sleep that night. “Mom I want to see the doctor in the morning. I need to take care of my problem. I need help.” It was the first good night’s sleep I had in the five months since I learned Ian was snorting heroin. Sunny’s message was undelivered.

When I awoke for my morning run at 6 am I went downstairs and heard Ian’s TV was very loud. I went to turn his TV off and that’s when I found him. After we talked the night before Ian went downstairs and did the drug one more time. Ian died in his sleep from the drug use – he didn’t have a second chance. My cries for help were heard two blocks away.

The Aftermath

Years later, I was sitting on my deck with Sunny and my best friend. I looked at Sunny, the family beagle, and said, “If Sunny could talk – he would have a lot to say.” That pivotal moment is when I decided to write the book from Sunny’s perspective about Ian’s Story.
I made a promise to Ian the day he died to do everything in my power to prevent this tragedy from happening to another family. I established the Courage to Speak® Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to “saving young lives by empowering youth to be drug free and encouraging parents to communicate effectively with their children about drugs”.
Last photo take of my son Ian Eaccarino 1975 - 1996
Photo of Ian two days before he died

How You Can Prevent Drug Use

To have Ginger Katz bring the Courage to Speak® Presentation to your school or to purchase the book, please call (203) 831-9700, email, or visit The Courage to Speak Foundation at
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